Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bubbling Bibliography!

Carter-Lund H, Lund JWG. 1995. Freshwater algae: their microscopic world explored. Bristol (England): Biopress Ltd. 360 p.

Council of Biology Editors. 1994. Scientific style and format: the cbe manual for authors, editors, and publishers. 6th ed. Cambridge (UK): Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge.

Forest H.S. 1954. Handbook of algae. Knoxville (TN): The University of Tennessee Press.

McFarland K. [Internet]. Botany 111 fall 2012; c2012 [ cited 2012 October 20]. Available from: http://

Patterson DJ. 1996. Free-living freshwater protozoa: a color guide. London (UK): Manson Publishing Ltd. 223 p.

Pennak RW. 1989. Fresh-Water invertebrates of the united states: protozoa to mollusca. 3rd ed. (U.S.): Wiley-Interscience Publication. 628 p.

Prescott G.W. 1964. The fresh-water algae. Dubuque (IA): WM. C. Brown Company Publishers.

Rainis KG, Russell BJ. 1996. Guide to microlife. Danbury (CT): Franklin Watts (Division of Grolier Publishing). 288 p.

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