When I retrieved my MicroAquarium, I found that the water level from the French Broad River, Seven Islands Wildlife Refuge, yet again, had dipped extremely low and I had to re-fill the aquarium with water found in the lab (McFarland 2012).
I found loads of dead organisms located both at the top of the aquarium where there was no water and at the bottom where there was dirt. Some of the dead organisms I recognized as being two cyanobacteria (including a Merismopedia sp. found in my other blogs), about three rotifers, which are a type of aquatic protist (unicellular), (including Philodina sp.), and a couple of algae (Patterson 1996 and Pennak 1989).
For living organisms, I found a lone cyanobacteria that was chlorophyll green and found at the bottom of the tank near the dirt, it did not move much. I counted six Vorticella at the bottom of the tank that were only moving their cilia on the top of their bodies (Patterson 1996). There were several rotifers (Philodina sp.) in several locations including at bottom left and right of the tank (Pennak 1989). The Philodinas had rotating fixtures on the top of their heads and moved spastically to the nearest dirt clod or were clinging to a plant (Pennak 1989). There were three unicellular organisms near the bottom of the aquarium that I have not identified yet. The three unidentified unicellular organisms barely moved, and when they did they moved slowly to the left or right. I saw two Actinosphaerium sp. near the bottom of the aquarium, moving slowly and heading towards the dirt (Patterson 1996). (Pictures of each of the organisms are found in previous posts as well as their descriptions and citations)
That's about it!
Signing out!
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